GetSMART is a fast and easy educational challenge, interspersed with quick quizzes, videos, and virtual patient cases that help you learn about the FDA REMs blueprint for the safe administration of ER/LA opioids. Misuse or abuse of prescription painkillers is a major national epidemic, and you need a thorough understanding of ER/LA opioids.
• Learn best practices in opioid prescribing. • Earn CME/CE credit!• Stay current with the latest information on the safe administration of ER/LA opioids. • Identify and review the various opioid therapies. Learn how to identify the right therapy for your patient. • Get a real-life perspective with our virtual patient cases, and apply your knowledge to practice.• Unlock achievements through your learning journey and complete all six modules of this educational activity. • Earn MOC points equivalent to the amount of CME credits claimed for the activity.